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Democracy Through Theatre

A project aimed at connecting theatre and democratic education. It focuses on decision-making processes in collective creative activity, the ability to perceive contemporary creation and tolerance, and openness to the unknown.

The Democracy Through Theatre project falls under the activities of the Centre for Documentary and Social-Specific Theatre.



Romana Sekáčová
E:  romana.sekacova@archatheatre.cz


The Democracy Through Theatre project – Archa for Schools (registration number: CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/20_079/0002091) is implemented with the support of the Operational Programme Prague - Growth Pole of the Czech Republic

OP Praha - pól růstu ČR


CEDU – Centrum pro demokratické učení


DidaDiv – Didaktické loutkové divadlo



Divadlem k demokracii Divadlem k demokracii Divadlem k demokracii Divadlem k demokracii Divadlem k demokracii Divadlem k demokracii Divadlem k demokracii